Who holds the Golden Shoe award?

Carolyn awarded Barbie to Kari for her fantastic performance at the Human Race. It sounds like Kari tore up the road and ran a fantastic race! Congratulations on a great race, Kari!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Start Times Change for Get in Gear Events



32nd Annual Rite of Spring!

Saturday, April 25


Thank you for registering for our Get in Gear events this year.  Please make note of the following important changes.



Event Start Times Change...


In order to accommodate our inaugural half-marathon logistics we needed to make changes on our start times. Please note that the start times for all 2009 Get in Gear events have changed from the past year. New start times for all events are listed below:


Fit For Fun 2K              8:00 AM  (previously 8:30 a.m.)

2K Fun Run                  8:00 AM  (previously 8:30 a.m.)

10K Elite Wave             8:56 AM

10K  & Half Marathon   9:00 AM  (10K start previously 9:30 a.m.)

5K Run/Walk                9:20 AM  (previously 9:50 a.m.)



Half Marathon Info...


The Half Marathon has a 3 hour limit. Roads on the course will re-open to the public at Noon.  Anyone on the course beyond that time will be directed to the sidewalks and our finish line area will start to be disassembled and open to traffic by 12:30 p.m.


All Half Marathon finishers will receive a commemorative drawstring backpack printed with the Inaugural Get in Gear Half-Marathon logo.  This backpack is made out of recycled poly material.



10K Info...


There will be a 10K Elite Wave this year starting at 8:56 a.m. This wave will include the Top 3 Overall Males and Females and the Top 3 Masters Males and Females from the previous year and anyone that is contending for the prize money of both overall and masters. 


The mass start of the 10K at 9:00 a.m. will continue to have a faster corral area that will hold all 10K participants with an elite bib number and runners that will be running fast enough to place in the top 50 males and top 30 females.



5K, 10K & Half Marathon Info....


All timed events will be using the disposable ChampionChip in 2009.  Participants can choose to either keep the timing chip as a commemorative item with the Get in Gear logo or may choose to give up the chip for recycling at the finish line area.  Instead of being forced to remove your chip immediately you will be able to cross the finish line and we will have water and Gatorade available for you at the finish line area.



Bus Shuttle Information....


Our  popular bus shuttle staged at the VAMC (Veterans Affairs Medical Center) will begin at 6:45 a.m. to accommodate our time changes.  Please consider this as an option as parking is not allowed at Minnehaha Park.  More specific information can be found on our website.


Please check our website www.getingear10K.com often as updated information is being added consistently.


Thank you for participating in the 2009 Get in Gear events. We hope you have an enjoyable experience and look forward to seeing you on April 25th.



The Get in Gear Staff

GIG Hotline:  612-722-9004

Fax:  612-722-5414

Email:  getingear@qwestoffice.net

1 comment:

Tarun Kumar said...

Nice Article. Keep it up. But I think this is copy of your topic recycling process