Who holds the Golden Shoe award?

Carolyn awarded Barbie to Kari for her fantastic performance at the Human Race. It sounds like Kari tore up the road and ran a fantastic race! Congratulations on a great race, Kari!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Get in Gear Recap and TC 1 Mile Planning

Yesterday was a beautiful day for a race...if you normally run in Sibera! Runners of the Twin Cities annual right of spring were peppered with snow flakes and ice pellets AND got the chance to run into grueling winds on Ford bridge.

Mother Nature threw all she had at Team Unattached and we fought back! Running the Get In Gear 10k for Team Unattached were Abby Albright, Amy Smith, Carly, Carolyn, Deb, Donna, and Meg (Did I miss anyone?). From where I was standing everyone ran a great race. Women's Results. Congratulations to Team Unattached for another great race. Standings for the Race Series aren't posted yet, I'll update the blog once they are.

I was merely spectating yesterday but I was amazed once again by how great our pink singlets and NEW TU race t-shirts look! They look so good, in fact, that both got picked up in photos and posted on the photo pages at the USATFMN website. Notice Carly and Deb modeling their TU wear.

We can only bask in our successes for so long before planning for the next ones...
The next race in the series is the TC 1 Mile on Thursday, May 8th at 6:50 PM (although there are multiple waves...more on this later). This is really a great race. The opportunity to run through the streets of downtown Minneapolis doesn't come around very often and it's a great chance to get a good estimate of your fitness level. Plus they normally have really cool t-shirts.

Hopefully you've already registered, if not it's not too late! Click here for registration information.

There is a question I don't have an answer to. Which wave should we run? I don't know, but I'm going to find out and I'll let everyone know when I do.

If you plan on running, let Deb or I know. I'm hoping we can field a team for the race...

See you all soon,

by the way, I posted a Boston summary blog over at my personal blog... tvsnacks.blogspot.com for anyone interested...

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Don't Mess with TU

*Thanks to Gene Neimi for the great photos!