Who holds the Golden Shoe award?

Carolyn awarded Barbie to Kari for her fantastic performance at the Human Race. It sounds like Kari tore up the road and ran a fantastic race! Congratulations on a great race, Kari!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Race Recap - The Human Race

Hello TU Runners!

We had a fabulous turnout at the Human Race this past Sunday and at the post race celebration at O’Gara’s! You all ran so impressively!!! I hope each one of you is proud of your accomplishment, and if things did not go the way you wanted, just know you are supported by your teammates and that things are OK. Racing is never an easy thing to do, but if you try and do the best you can, no matter how you feel that day, you cannot ask anymore from yourself. So hold you head high, think positively, and forge ahead! I also want to thank those who came out to watch and support us! THANK YOU!!!!!

It was awesome to see our team support for one another before, during and after the race. We were a sea of PINK! Wasn’t it awesome? I was very honored to be a part of it.

The Golden Shoe Award went to Carly Kohler for setting a huge PR!!! Congrats Carly! More importantly, I chose Carly because I happen to know personally that she has been working very hard for this race. So Carly-hats off to you!

For those new to the Golden Shoe, this award is given by the person who last received it to the person they choose at the next race. It is very subjective and it’s up to the person giving it to decide which person they want to receive the award. If you have not seen the Golden Shoe, I think Anne or I can get a picture out on the Blog.

The team results are out and I have attached the information we received from USATF below. TU took 5th in the Open division and 4th in the Master’s Division. WAY TO GO TU!!! I'm so very proud of you all!

Next up we have the Earth Day Half Marathon in St. Cloud on April 19th. Please let Anne or myself know if you plan to run the race. Registration information is located on www.usatfmn.org.

My sincere thanks to all of you for a great kick-off to the season! I look forward to seeing you all soon.



Nathan said...

Great job ladies! You're right, the sea of pink dominated the race course. It's great to see you all out in such force. Now if only we could get our men's team this organized...

carly said...

One theory is that the key to a PR in an 8K is a plate of bacon for dinner the night before the race.

I prefer to think that more consistent training had something to do with it!

And just for the record, I did eat a piece of bacon, but not the whole plate of it!

On a more serious note, WAY TO GO to all of the Team Unattached ladies for a great showing in our first team race!!