Who holds the Golden Shoe award?

Carolyn awarded Barbie to Kari for her fantastic performance at the Human Race. It sounds like Kari tore up the road and ran a fantastic race! Congratulations on a great race, Kari!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Have you met Golden Shoe Barbie?

Last fall we ran our first official race as the new Team Unattached. After the race Deb came up with the great idea of having a traveling trophy awarded to one of our team mates after each race. She dubbed it "The Golden Shoe Award" and asked for ideas for what the trophy should be.
A week later Carolyn presented us with the perfect trophy. Barbie dressed in our team colors!

Since then Barbie has been spending her time traveling between the ladies of TU. After each race the current holder of Barbie gets to make the very tough decision on who the next recipient will be. The decision is purely subjective, Barbie can go to a person with a big PR, someone who overcomes tough conditions to finish the race, someone who shows up when the team really needs them, the reasons go on and on. The only rules about awarding Golden shoe Barbie is that it must happen immediately following the race and you have to explain how you made your choice.

Congratulations to everyone on a great Human Race (see the next post for Deb's post race recap)! Keep your eyes on the blog for more info about our next race, the Earth Day half marathon.


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